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About special preferred rate|Dollar Euro Currency Exchange

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Special Preferred Rate for Best deal EVER

What is Special Preferred Rate? Depending on the transaction amount,
we offer 3 classes (A to C) for large amount transaction.

Rate A

When the transaction amount is less than 500,000JPY worth,
Rate A will be applied.

Rate B

When the transaction amount is between 500,000JPY and 2million JPY worth,
Rate B will be applied.

Rate C

When the transaction amount is above 2million JPY worth,
Rate C will be applied.

Click here for calculation method of classification.

※ [identity verification documents] is necessary for the first time over 2million transaction.
Please place the order by calling us at 03-6418-1561.

Want a best deal rate? Use Dollar Euro Currency Exchange services!

Dollar Euro Currency Exchange offers far more advantageous rates than banks' and airports'.
The differences are so obvious at a glance comparing.

Comparison table

※ 2016/2/19 Now

Special Preferred Rate is recommended to customers

Who is planning group travelling or company trip

A fun oversea trip with good friends.

Exchange foreign currenct together to get a special preferred rate!

Who is preparing for overseas wedding

It is such a great event of life ,Is everything well prepared?

Choosing us to get a special preferred rate for your best oversea wedding ceremony.

Who wants to operating assets in foreign currency

Using Dollar Euro Currency Exchange services for future asset mangement.

Exchanging large amount foreign currency with us to get a best deal ever!

Who is considering open a currency exchange shop

Are you looking for a currency exchange shop for currency exchange shops?

We support you at a resonable rate!

Order process is so simple!


What you need to do is to input your orderamount. The system will classify rate class automatically.
Our website shows you the exam amount in JPY using the applied rate!
After input your personal information ,you are all set.

Check the Special Preferred rate >>

How to calculate rate classification.

Classification of special preffered rate is always based on rate A.

When you place the order, rates will be fixed to the applied class.


USD rate


Standard class and payment amount

Standard class and payment amount

Why choose Dollar Euro Currency Exchange?

  • We offer a great service_e

  • Our rates are lower than what the bank offers_e

  • Order by 3pm and we will send out your currency on the same day_e

  • Rates are fixed until 11 am on the next business day_e